Whilst the internet offers a world of opportunity for you and your business, it is not without it's hazards. E-crime is on the increase Worldwide. The fight against e-crime affects everyone who uses the internet and small to medium businesses can potentially be very desirable targets. By taking preventative action you can minimise the risk of becoming a victim of E-crime.

Businesses cannot afford to be complacent. Many attacks are not targeted directly at your business but could affect it nonetheless. Theft of data and identity can lead to widespread damage to your clients, reputation and your bottom line. We recommend taking the following steps in order to prevent and combat e-crime, thus helping keep your business safe.


Consider the consequences of your passwords being compromised and criminals gaining access to your accounts - money could be stolen, sensitive emails could be read and your business could be seriously damaged. With a ‘weak' password in place this is a serious possibility, so make sure you do the following;

-Always try to use a password of at least eight characters, combining special keys such as £, $,