If there is another SEO software which has the ability to dominate totally on the bossy search engines, Senuke is definitely the answer. I have been working on Senuke for a few months, the result I have achieved is awesomely outstanding:

Search engines domination

With the help of Senuke, 5 sites of mine appeared in the 1st page of Google, Yahoo and MSN within 2 days. 1 of it appeared on the search engines within 2 hours. 3 out of 5 got into the 1st page under a 300,000 competitive key phrase.

Social bookmarking tool submission

Senuke plays an important role as a social bookmarking tool. I have never done bookmark submission with such a terrifying speed before. I managed to submit all my sites to over 20 high pr bookmarking sites within 10 minutes, which is faster than finishing a big mac meal !

Articles writing

Besides helping you to do the tedious bookmarking jobs, Senuke also provides good article writing and spinning services. I spent 40 minutes to write a 300 words article, and can eventually spin it into more than 30 articles which have more than 30% uniqueness, awesome? If you can work fast enough, I believe that you can easily dominate many different niches in a short period of time.

Spamming? I don't think so. Producing more articles with more than 30% differences isn't called 'spam'. So what is the definition of 'spam'? If you produce the same articles or articles that are without any quality or adding values to the readers and pump them to the article directories, that is what I call 'spam'.

Senuke not only helps you to create different articles, it also helps you to do the ending part of the job - Senuke helps you to submit your SPUN articles into more than 10 social networking sites and and article directories which have a very high page rank.