Hi everybody this is my list with so far tested PTC sites you can see another very well completed site HERE

My only advice is to invest money only in PTC sites that have FORUMS for user,that pays regularly and reputation of selected site from you site is perfect.Before any purchase make some internet researches about this site but not only in forums of selected site,make it everywhere in all forums by typing in any search engine the name of PTC site

1.Sharepic - i made Decision to stop using this site because when i used links from this site and put them in my site or not only there i receive some VIRUSES !!!
2.performancebux - SCAMM i still have $2.27 i my account i tryed many times to withdraw them but with no result.No forum,the adimn dosent answered to any of my e-mails,and i Stop IT!!
3.chasmailbiz - SCAMM i made $20,000  for month and a half aproximately withdrawed them in my pay Pal account and maybe when my 90 birthday will come the i will recieve those money SCAMMMM
4.Deppaco, rolex mail ,5 euro mails ,Rich Ptc and all that sites that GIVES you from 1 to 100 or even $1000 for click this is SCAMMM .One of my internet friends wasnt  registered user in Rich PTC site and one day i saw payment proof on site and i said him Heyyy congratulations U made $1,000 and hi said Are you crazy go to Rich Ptc site and watch your WIN
he could believe to his eyes disgusting,absolutely rude ,LIARS , CHEATERS
5.Nomincashout.com - Another Scam i am still waitnig $3.07 2 months it is Crazy to wait so much long
it dosen`t worth time