Today I've received an SMS on my phone saying that I have won 91,000 POUNDS in the ongoing Nokia Mobile Promo & for claims, I must call +447031911803 or email:

To be be honest,I was really happy,finally I won big prize money.The last time I remember I won something was afree whopper at Burger King.

Anyway,I was going to send them an email,but then after thinking about it for aminute,I decided not to do it because It seemed too good to be true and just awaste of time and money.

More importanly,I already knew from past experience what they were going to ask me to do in order to get my prize.First,they wouId ask me to fill out aform,just to make it look professional and legal.Then wouId ask me to send a small fee,in order for me to get my prize money.

To confirm my suspicion that this was just another scam ,Idecided to investigate about the so called Nokia Mobile Promo.So I searched for (Nokia Promo scam) using yahoo,and then after the search results showed up,I clicked on the following web address :

Like I expected,my suspicion confirmed.It seems that I was not the only one who recieved such sms.There are too many people out there who have recieved it.

Bottom line,This is an International Scam.Idon't think Nokia Mobile has anything to do with this.

So here is what I recommend:

>save your money

>Don't call them.They will often ask you to call a premium rate number and keep you holding on until you rack up a huge phone bill. They are then paid a large proportion of this phone bill.

>Don't email them unless you want them to know your email address too so they can fill your email box with their scams messages

>Don't provide personal information about yourself.They will only sell to the highest bidder.

>Don't provide your bank or credit card details.

>Do not travel to meet the sms's sender.You couId get robbed or held for ransom.

Be smart and good luck.Don't be a victim!