Unless you work for Google, how its PageRank system really works will be a mystery. However, if you keep an eye on Google's blogs and other dedicated SEO sites you will become educated enough to draw your own conclusions. A large amount of links pointing to your page is vital to increasing your PageRank but importantly they should ideally come from quality sites that have a high PageRank themselves.

A high PageRank may assist in moving your website up the search engine results pages but there is no way of really knowing how important Google's algorithms regard this particular element. As your PageRank gradually grows you will probably find that you are targeted by other sites asking you to link to them. They will be after your very valuable, high ranking link juice to enhance their PageRank and others will then want theirs - and so the chain of PageRank link juice continues forever more. However with linking out, there is always the potential for Google's crawlers to decide you have too many and it may become detrimental to your overall efforts of increasing your PageRank.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way of improving your PageRank and I wouldn't recommend bothering with reciprocal linking, as it has been suggested they basically cancel each other out. You might be approached by companies asking if you want to be their link partner, selling it as a mutually beneficial arrangement by telling you they have a high PageRank. Look into it carefully and check the PageRank of the actual page they are promising a link from, often it will be extremely low or not ranked at all, even if their home page is a reasonable number. Not all offers are bad but it is vital for the source page to be linked properly within that website, if it isolated in the internal structure then the Google bots will never find it and there won't be any benefit for your PageRank or site's SEO.

Source pages like these are frequently just full of links, offering no context to your site. Be even more wary of anyone selling links and if you are going to employ an agency to assist with this and the rest of your search engine optimisation, do your research and make sure they never use underhand link farming methods. Anybody offering a quick win or promising they can improve your PageRank to a guaranteed number is almost certainly lying. Google's algorithms are so sophisticated these days that they are suspicious of pages with too many links and this will work against your overall aims. A recent patent granted to Google shows that even each individual link could be ranked within the PageRank system depending on things like its position, relevance and presentation.

The best method is to let it build more purely through straightforward and sincere activity. By having interesting, pertinent and fresh content, which you can help to publicise through social media, blogs and emails, others will want to link to it just because it's good. Targeting social bookmarking sites, contributing content in return for a link and SEO press releases are also a great ways of creating links around the web. Just remember, when you're looking for where to find sites to target, use a PageRank checker to see they will be able to pass on a good amount of link juice. Content is king, so don't worry about it too much and watch your PageRank grow in an organic, genuine way.