We all wish we could effectively drive more traffic to our websites, right? Not only do we want more traffic, but we want traffic that is suited for the site, information, or product that we’re promoting. One way to do this is by writing articles that you can post on your website, blog, or in article directories.

Here are some steps to follow when writing your articles:

1. Write multiple articles for maximum exposure. The more articles you write, the more content you will have on your website. If you are publishing your articles to the directories, you will more likely than not drive more traffic to your website. If you don’t have the time to write your own content, consider hiring someone to do the work for you. Whether you write the articles on your own or outsource the work, make sure that the article is informative and of interest to your target audience.

2. Find a new twist on your theme. Your reader will value what you have to say if you can provide a new and fresh perspective on your given topic. Stay on top of the latest news in your area of expertise, and be the first to write about it if possible. This way, your readers will view you as on the cutting edge and will be more likely to read your future articles.

3. Give some thought to your writing style and wording. Use a simple, easy to understand style of writing that holds the reader's interest. Avoid long sentences and obscure words that may lose them and cause them to stop reading. Also, remember to use your keywords within the body of the article. A keyword rich article will be easier to find in the search engines. You do not, however, want to saturate your articles with keywords to the point that you are suspended for keyword abuse. It is always best to follow the author guidelines when submitting to the article directories.

5. Choose a topic that is relevent to your website. This will ensure that the traffic that is generated by your articles will be more qualified for the products or services that your website is offering. If you are selling software, for example, you probably do not want to write an article that compares various brands of disposable diapers. The two just don't go together. Better to write an article comparing various software products to effectively pre-qualify your website visitors.

6. Use striking titles. This is the best way to increase the chances of your articles being opened and read by online users. You can make your titles striking by communicating the benefits in store for your potential readers or by telling these people the gist of your content. You may also opt to use powerful words that are proven to evoke action.

7. Choose a title that is compelling to the reader. Try to come up with a title that gives a general idea of the article’s content and invites them to read more. Use words that speak to their emotion or make them want to take action. A powerful title, along with quality content, can be your best friend when writing an article.