I am going to look at two really easy and quick ways to find keywords that are beneficial to your niche market. By the end of this article, you should be able to quickly get in the heads of your prospects/customers, determine what they are looking for and also, if they are willing to spend money on it. Then, all you need to do is, plug these keywords in your advertising, article marketing and affiliate campaigns and profit from it!

Before we look into the two easy ways to find relevant keywords for your niche online business, I want to just briefly explain why this kind of keyword research is so important, and why it is often the difference between huge success and huge failure online. So I am going to give you three reasons why you want to ensure you find the right keywords, and then I am going to give you two really easy and quick ways of doing it.

Reasons You Need Beneficial Keywords

1. You need to make sure you are getting the right kind of website visitor to your webpages. This is often referred to as getting "targeted" traffic. You see, if some one gets to your website, and it is not what they were looking for, they will simply click off it and go elsewhere, and you don't want that!

I would sooner take 100 targeted visitors to my website, instead of 10,000 random visitors to my site!

2. The keyword phrase people use to search for stuff online, often gives us clues to what is going on in their heads, which helps us construct relevant sales pages, squeeze pages and web pages for them. The keywords also tells us about the kind of problems people are having in our niche, which allows us to better craft our content and sales pitch to our visitor's circumstances.

By doing this, we give the visitor a much more positive experience, and if we do our job REALLY well, we give them such a good experience that they remember our website, and come back to it again.

3. When choosing keywords, we want to make sure the people searching for those keywords are buying products. In other words, we want to target "buyer's keywords" and some are more obvious than others.

You won't make any money if a people searching the keyword you target never buys any products related to your niche.

Two Quick Ways to Find Beneficial Keywords to Your Niche

Essentially we want to find keywords that quite a lot of people are searching for regularly, and ideally we want keywords that lead to the visitor making a purchase decision. Here are two super fast ways of doing this:

1. Search for "Keyword Tool" in Google, and the top result should be Google's keyword tool. This piece of browser-based software lets you see how many times people in the World or nationally are searching for a keyword. Simply load up the tool, enter your keyword, and Google will display a variety of keywords, related to the one you typed in.

This is a ridiculously fast way of assessing what keywords are being searched regularly, and will give you a really quick database to reference for your keyword research. It also shows you whether search volume for the phrase is rising or falling using a small green chart, displaying trends to the right of the screen next to the keyword results.

2. This little tactic is a bit of a personal and trade secret of mine. Not enough people do this, and as a result there is a lot of people wasting time on unprofitable keywords and niches!

This basically involve getting a keyword spy tool and typing your keyword into the software. You will then be able to see and analyze data on what people are spending on Google AdWords for those keywords. You will what advert copy they are using, how much they are bidding for the keyword, and how long they have been bidding on the keyword.

As a rule of thumb, the longer some one has been bidding on a keyword and the more they have been bidding or spending, the more likely it is those keywords have been making them sales! Generally speaking, any half decent Google AdWords user does not spend a lot of time or money on keywords that don't make them sales!

If the keyword is being bid on for long periods of time and for a reasonable bid amount, it is likely that it is a keyword that will make you some sales!

If you would like to know some of the secret behind absolutely killer keyword research, then check out my new website on how to take your keyword research to a whole new level using powerful software like the keyword spy tool.