The aim of website designers is to create attractive sites for your business. In this procedure you have to be right on your toes. If you want to maintain the interest of your customer then you need to be focused on certain things to bring the best results. Search engines should not have any difficulty in understanding the goal of your company. People should enjoy visiting your website.

Search engine optimization can be used to catch the attention of potential customers for your site. if your website has more viewers then you will be placed on a top position in the list of different search engines. In this procedure the design of your site plays an important role to make your website popular. This way you will be able to increase your sales and you will be able to earn huge profit in short span of time. For this you will have to optimize your website in best possible way. SEO can place your site on the top position of different sites and you will be able to improve your return. You will be able to get proper return on your investment.

Mistakes done in making the design of website:

You need to keep one important thing in your mind that this search engines read the words of your content and they give less importance to your images. The following are major mistakes that are done by the designer of your site:

1. They use flash to make the design of your site.
2. Images are not connected with alt tags.
3. Meta title does not exist.

If you use flash to design your site then your images are not visible properly. Your customers will be able to understand the main of your organization. Text that is displayed with the help of flash gives more importance to your keywords but it gives less importance to the content of your site. Due to this reason you will not be able to catch the attention of potential customer for your institute. People will be able to see your pictures but if you want to place your site on different search engines then you need to give more importance to the content of your site and not to the pictures.

You can make your picture invisible with the help of alt tag. This way search engines will get a brief idea about the content that will be visible to customers. Alt tags are very important for your site as search engines give less importance to the text that is found on alt tag. Avoid using keywords in alt tags. You need to place keywords wherever necessary.

Importance of SEO:

SEO is important because it can make your site visible. It will give more importance to your keywords and it will also help in ranking your site. Search engines can improve your ranking. Due to this reason businessmen give more importance to SEO. The cost of these services is very low so everyone can take benefit of this service.