Create Killer Ads with This Easy To Use Strategy

January 8, 2011

Running great ads can handsomely reward you and your business. At the same time it can be challenging to come up with a great ad. Hence, it would be wonderful if an easy strategy for creative ad copy existed. Well, listen up, because there is a simple strategy that you can follow when creating your ads. In fact, you can do it in 5 easy steps. Let’s get started, shall we?

Step#1: Put value into your advertising. How? Do you excel in a certain form of training? Advertise the training and make some of it available for free. Sharing some of your best training without cost will catapult your popularity. It’s one of the greatest forms of advertising.

Step#2: Identify and name a common problem found in your market. For example, a common problem found in network marketing is getting fresh, responsive leads. So identify a common problem that your market constantly faces, a problem that they must urgently solve.

Step#3: Present a solution to their common problem. Make it clear that what you offer will immediately solve their problem. Give them assurance beyond any doubt that your product or service is what they need.

Step#4: Provide undeniable proof that your product or service will solve their problem.Leave no question in your prospect’s mind by including 3rd party testimonials from existing, satisfied customers.

Step#5: Make your offer irresistible by eliminating any risk of loss. For instance, a money back guarantee removes any risk from a purchase. This makes your offer impossible to refuse.

Using this 5 step strategy will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your ads. What’s more, it’s easy to implement this strategy. So if your ads have lacked effectiveness, employ this 5 step strategy. Create killer ads with this easy to use strategy, and your business will thrive like never before.


3 Facebook Marketing Tips for Local Businesses

December 11, 2010

Since Facebook has over 500 million active users, it’s important that small businesses like attorneys, chiropractors, realtors, dentists and cosmetic surgeons participate regularly on the network. Facebook can also be a massive lead generation magnet if used correctly.

The common problem I see with business owners, is that they have no idea how to get the traffic from Facebook to their blog or website. Let’s face it, social networking is great to build relationships but if you cann...

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Tips to Increase Ranking and Website Traffic Tips to Increase Ranking and Website Traffic

December 11, 2010
t is worth cataloguing the basic principles to be enforced to increase website traffic and search engine rankings.
•    Create a site with valuable content, products or services.
•    Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document.
•    Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers.
•    Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Like Title,...
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10 Steps to a No-Nonsense Website Promotion Plan

October 15, 2010
Looking for a no-nonsense, take no prisoners free of cost website promotion plan? This article provides ten important steps you must follow and act on in order to ensure a safe and successful website promotion plan.

1. Define Your Objectives and Your Audience

Get out a piece of paper and spend ten minutes or more writing your answers to the following questions which will help you define your mission and target audience:

A) Do you want to promote through traditional marketing methods?

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How To Measure Your Article Marketing Success

October 15, 2010
When you are trying to measure your article marketing success, it is sometimes hard to know which indicators really matter and which don't.

Should you be looking at how many sites pick up your articles (how many links are being built), the clicks that your resource box generates, your article views, all of the above, or none of the above?

I don't blame you for being confused. Rest assured that measuring your success is pretty scientific and does not involve any guesswork.

It is important t...
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10 Deadly SEO Sins

October 15, 2010
SEO still seems like a very foggy effort to many website owners. I still see people in the forums and blogs that seem to be stuck in search engine optimization circa 2001 by looking for directory submission services and articles “blasts” which do nothing but flood the web pages with junk. There is such a thing as good search engine marketing and it is important to fully understand this.
Let’s take a look at some of the largest SEO mistakes a website can make that will ultimately hur...
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Search Marketing 101: Choosing the Best Keywords For SEO

October 15, 2010
Every website owner has heard of them, every search engine uses them, and if you are into SEO you just can't ignore them. Yes, we're referring to 'keywords'. Perhaps the most crucial aspect of search marketing are keywords, and choosing the most 'relevant' keywords can be the difference between success and failure of your web-based venture.

Search marketing and knowing your keywords

A keyword is as single word or a phrase which is used to help search engines index your site. Generally,...
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Using Articles to Optimize your Websites

October 6, 2010
Not all your content will be accepted by authority sites. In fact, 50 to 75 percent of articles are rejected for a variety of reasons. It can be because your content is low in quality, you stole someone else's article, it's obvious that you're promoting your business or your product, or you failed to follow the guidelines. So if you don't want to find your articles and news releases in the dust bin of the World Wide Web, you should make sure your articles are of great quality and are good eno...
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Article Marketing Myths and Facts

September 29, 2010
By now everyone has heard of article marketing but so many people define it in so many different ways that it has become hard for people new to article marketing to understand.

First of all, most of the SEO Gurus caught on to article marketing late in the game, then scrambled to create their own definitions of it at the last minute so it didn't appear they were ever not aware of the power of article marketing.

In general, article marketing is where you write an article on a topic that is r...
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Google Instant - Implications for SEO & Internet Marketing

September 24, 2010
While reading Harry McCracken's rather insightful article on Google Instant in PCWorld , I was reminded once again, how narrowly focused my own thinking has become in regards to Google. I keep forgetting, not everybody is into SEO or Internet Marketing (lucky dogs), and that Google search has a function outside of SEO.

I keep forgetting that the general public actually uses Google for online search, there are millions of web users out there who have been using Google Instant to find ...
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