Running great ads can handsomely reward you and your business. At the same time it can be challenging to come up with a great ad. Hence, it would be wonderful if an easy strategy for creative ad copy existed. Well, listen up, because there is a simple strategy that you can follow when creating your ads. In fact, you can do it in 5 easy steps. Let’s get started, shall we?

Step#1: Put value into your advertising. How? Do you excel in a certain form of training? Advertise the training and make some of it available for free. Sharing some of your best training without cost will catapult your popularity. It’s one of the greatest forms of advertising.

Step#2: Identify and name a common problem found in your market. For example, a common problem found in network marketing is getting fresh, responsive leads. So identify a common problem that your market constantly faces, a problem that they must urgently solve.

Step#3: Present a solution to their common problem. Make it clear that what you offer will immediately solve their problem. Give them assurance beyond any doubt that your product or service is what they need.

Step#4: Provide undeniable proof that your product or service will solve their problem.Leave no question in your prospect’s mind by including 3rd party testimonials from existing, satisfied customers.

Step#5: Make your offer irresistible by eliminating any risk of loss. For instance, a money back guarantee removes any risk from a purchase. This makes your offer impossible to refuse.

Using this 5 step strategy will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your ads. What’s more, it’s easy to implement this strategy. So if your ads have lacked effectiveness, employ this 5 step strategy. Create killer ads with this easy to use strategy, and your business will thrive like never before.