Since Facebook has over 500 million active users, it’s important that small businesses like attorneys, chiropractors, realtors, dentists and cosmetic surgeons participate regularly on the network. Facebook can also be a massive lead generation magnet if used correctly.

The common problem I see with business owners, is that they have no idea how to get the traffic from Facebook to their blog or website. Let’s face it, social networking is great to build relationships but if you cannot bring the people to your site and capture targeted leads, it doesn’t matter.

Don’t let Facebook be a royal time-suck! If you’re not careful, you’ll spend hours on there without being productive. In fact, the stats say the average Facebook user spends close to an hour per day on the network. Considering the average internet surfer spends no more than 3 seconds on any given website, this is HUGE.

Here’s how to capture targeted traffic from Facebook:

1) Use Facebook Ads to target your specific local demographic and send them to a landing page with an offer. You can either send them to a Facebook Fan page or to your website. Have a free report, offer, or contest on that page and get them to place their name / email into an opt-in form.

You’ll need to hire a service to create a custom Facebook page so it looks professional. You’ll also need an email follow-up system if you don’t have one. I use Aweber because they have over a 99% deliverability rate and phone support.

2) Friend request / meet 15 local friends per day on Facebook and send them a polite message with the invite. Engage in open ended conversation when they accept your request and ask them about what they do. After on your friends list for a few weeks, create and send an invitation with a special offer about your business.

3) Use the Facebook like button on your blog or website. The great thing about this is when someone clicks the icon, it immediately tells their Facebook friends list that they liked you / your business. Many of their friends will click the link because they trust the recommendations of their friends
Using these effective methods described above will allow you to increase your website traffic and new business through your doors by using Facebook. There has never been an easier way to get more exposure via the web.